Full ToC
[W9.3a] Principles → Single Responsibility Principle :
[W9.3b] Principles → Open-Closed Principle :
[W9.3c] Principles → Separation of Concerns Principle
[W9.3d] Principles → Liskov Substitution Principle :
[W9.3e] Principles → Law of Demeter
[W9.3f] Principles → Interface Segregation Principle : OPTIONAL
[W9.3g] Principles → Dependency Inversion Principle : OPTIONAL
[W9.3h] Principles → SOLID Principles
[W9.3i] Principles → YAGNI Principle : OPTIONAL
[W9.3j] Principles → DRY Principle : OPTIONAL
[W9.3k] Principles → Brooks' Law : OPTIONAL
[W9.5a] Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Introduction → What
[W9.5b] Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Introduction → Sequential Models
[W9.5c] Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Introduction → Iterative Models
[W9.5d] Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Introduction → Agile Models
[W9.5e] Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Scrum
[W9.5f] Project Management → SDLC Process Models → XP
[W9.5g] Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Unified Process : OPTIONAL
[W9.5h] Project Management → SDLC Process Models → CMMI : OPTIONAL
[W9.5i] Project Management → SDLC Process Models → Recap
Type of Developer Docs
Guideline: Aim for Comprehensibility
[W9.6b] Implementation → Documentation → Guidelines → Aim for Comprehensibility → What
[W9.6c] Implementation → Documentation → Guidelines → Aim for Comprehensibility → How
Guideline: Describe Top-Down
[W9.6d] Implementation → Documentation → Guidelines → Describe Top-Down → What
[W9.6e] Implementation → Documentation → Guidelines → Describe Top-Down → Why
[W9.6f] Implementation → Documentation → Guidelines → Describe Top-Down → How
Guideline: Minimal but Sufficient
tP: v1.2